How to save the abdomen with Belly Balance?
Doctors and people who have tried it out reveal a Probiotic which works flawlessly
Disturbances in digestion and bowel movements are the first signal of erosion of the outer layer (mucosa*) of the intestine, and then come the diagnoses. Even worse, if left untreated, it can collapse our entire health. It was the sufferers who reported that only the smart probiotic was able to rid them of nightmarish suffering and return them to the normal daily life and nutrition. The innovative development is called Belly Balance, and those who have tried it are unanimous that it works flawlessly.
Whilst they heal, antibiotics also make us sick
Antibiotics heal us by killing disease-causing bacteria. Along with the "bad" bacteria, however, they also destroy the "good" bacteria. The natural counterbalance in this case is probiotics. The most important thing for a probiotic is to contain bacteria that resist antibiotics and save the gut from their harmful effects. This requirement is 100% met by the smart probiotic, which also explains why it gives such good results – regardless of how strong the antibiotic is or how long it has been taken.
It counteracts the damage of antibiotics
Dr. Orazio De Lellis, ENT specialist
It counteracts the damage of antibiotics
"In short, it is the perfect probiotic for an antibiotic because it meets all three criteria for effectiveness. The probiotic strain it contains is resistant to antibiotics and survives in hostile environments. The beneficial bacteria are in such large numbers that they counteract the damage caused by the antibiotic. And finally, Belly Balance delivers the bacteria directly to the intestines, which is why they start working immediately."
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– Why do you prescribe Belly Balance alongside an antibiotic?
When a person undergoes antibiotic therapy, they may experience bloating, intestinal tension, or gas, and one in three people also have diarrhoea. Belly Balance keeps the intestines in order and with its help all these problems are avoided.
– And why did you choose Belly Balance?
In short, it is the perfect probiotic for an antibiotic because it meets all three criteria for effectiveness. The probiotic strain it contains is resistant to antibiotics and survives in hostile environments. The beneficial bacteria are in such large numbers that they counteract the damage caused by the antibiotic. And finally, Belly Balance delivers the bacteria directly to the intestines, which is why they start working immediately.
– Is there a special admission scheme?
The dose is the usual – only 1 Belly Balance capsule per day is sufficient. The capsule should be taken at least 2 hours before taking the antibiotic or 2 hours after. It is recommended to continue taking it for at least another four to five days after the end of the antibiotic to achieve a lasting and sustainable result. To be sure that our intestines will work properly in the future.
Suffering intestines collapse immunity
It is an indisputable medical fact that about 80% of the immune response in our body is formed in the intestines. Or to put it another way, the better they function, the healthier we are. Belly Balance is of great help here, because, with its high probiotic content, it benefits the intestinal mucosa and contributes to strengthening its functions. This, in turn, reduces the risk of getting sick.
I feel light and energetic

Chloé Bertrand, 49 years old, Sydney
Chloé Bertrand, 49 years old, Sydney
I feel light and energetic
"I have been taking it for 4 weeks and I can say that I feel great. My abdomen is light and I feel like I'm flying, I have energy and I get up in the morning with first ring of my alarm. The headache also subsided."
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In the last few years I started to get sick more often - a cold, a virus, an infection... There was always something. I was also haunted by constant fatigue and headaches. I consulted my GP who ran some tests on me. The results were good. I also went to a neurologist who said I was healthy. But I felt that something was wrong. So, in a conversation with a friend of mine, she advised me to visit a nutritionist. I was skeptical but decided to go. The lady carefully reviewed all the tests and questioned me about both my complaints and my eating habits. Her conclusion was that I exhibit all the symptoms of the so-called leaky gut syndrome. She reassured me that this is not a disease, but I must take measures. She prescribed a special probiotic that I order from Amazon. I have been taking it for 4 weeks and I can say that I feel great. My abdomen is light and I feel like I'm flying, I have energy and I get up in the morning with first ring of my alarm. The headache also subsided. I can't brag about immunity yet, but I hope that with persistence on my part I will be successful there as well. I thank my probiotic for making me smile again.
Constipation poisons the body from within
In addition to causing discomfort, irregular bowel movements also poison us. That is why constipation is often accompanied by headaches and physical fatigue. Laxatives worsen the problem by making the bowels even more sluggish. A truly effective alternative that has the potential to solve the problem at its core is a double-capsule probiotic, people who have suffered say. It is able to get the irregular/inordinate stomach in order and get rid of our troubles once and for all.
Totally different solution
Master Pharmacist Osvaldo D'Acchioli, long-time director of pharmacy at Hospital in Sydney, Australia
Master Pharmacist Osvaldo D'Acchioli, long-time director of pharmacy at Hospital in Sydney, Australia
Totally different solution
"Patients take Belly Balance for all types of gastrointestinal disorders. They feel an improvement already with the first box and return to take another, determined to continue the intake. Due to the positive feedback, I have always confidently recommended Belly Balance to people with gastroenterological problems."
Click here to read the full interview
– How does Belly Balance help in case of constipation?
Being a probiotic, its regular intake establishes a balance in the intestine. Therefore, it improves digestion and ensures normal peristalsis. In fact, Belly Balance represents a totally different solution for constipation.
– What do you mean?
Constipation is like traffic jams on the streets if you think about it. If the cause of their appearance is not eliminated, they become a daily occurrence. All manoeuvres to avoid them are temporary solutions, with which we postpone our encounter with the problem until tomorrow. In this context, the effect of taking Belly Balance against constipation would be comparable to the reorganization of the road infrastructure. Change doesn't happen overnight, but the result is long-lasting.
– Do you have any observations from your work at the pharmacy?
Definitely! Patients take Belly Balance for all types of gastrointestinal disorders. They feel an improvement already with the first box and return to take another, determined to continue the intake. Due to the positive feedback, I have always confidently recommended Belly Balance to people with gastroenterological problems.
Gas is not a joke, but a signal of a problem
Gas formation is a natural part of the digestive process, but it becomes a complication when it becomes too much, too "flavorful", or "refuses" to come out. Then we feel bloated, heavy, and our abdomen becomes as hard as a rock. For such complaints, doctors are adamant that Belly Balance works best. It quickly restores the balance of the intestinal microflora and limits the population of pathogenic microorganisms responsible for the overproduction of gas. Furthermore – it improves the motility of the intestines, and regular emptying is a sure prerequisite that the gases will disappear, and the "bubble" will deflate.
I haven't had any complaints for 4 months now

Annika, 40 years old, Canberra
Annika, 40 years old, Canberra
I haven't had any complaints for 4 months now
"My abdomen settled quickly. I haven't had any complaints for 4 months now - neither gas nor pain. I am very grateful to my colleague for her advice because this product saved me."
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Hi everyone, my name is Anika, but to my students I'm just Mrs. Annie. I teach elementary school, a profession with great responsibility, but which unfortunately brings with it "side effects". One of them, in my case, has manifested itself over the years in the form of a constantly bloated abdomen, rumbling bowels, cramping, pain and gas no matter what I eat. A painful and at the same time uncomfortable situation.
I tried to improve the situation by changing my diet and drinking herbal teas, but to no avail! I used all the advertised gas pills. The effect was temporary. I plucked up the courage and talked about it with my colleague. Turns out this happened to her too and she is taking the new probiotic in a double capsule. I immediately ordered from Amazon and started taking it myself. My abdomen settled quickly. I haven't had any complaints for 4 months now - neither gas nor pain. I am very grateful to my colleague for her advice because this product saved me.
Diverticulosis – or “pockets” full of diseases
Diverticulosis is described as pockets that have formed along the length of the intestine. Strategically, the most important thing is to maintain the bacterial balance in the gut. That's why the special probiotic in a double capsule, which contains as much as 200 billion CFU/g of "good" bacteria, gives such good results. The amount is sufficient to keep the population of disease-causing bacteria under control, as well as to counteract the unwanted effects of antibiotics. But there is something else - with the help of the double capsule, the billions of helpers go straight to the intestines, where they keep the "bad" bacteria under control, and the intestines work normally. It is recommended to take Belly Balance every day for 8 weeks, repeating the course at least 2-3 times a year, only 1 capsule per day.
My abdomen has calmed down

Vittoria De Luca, 66 years old, Melbourne
Vittoria De Luca, 66 years old, Melbourne
My abdomen has calmed down
"Thanks to it I now feel like I did before diverticulitis - healthy! I told my doctor and my girlfriends about it. Everyone is satisfied."
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I've been suffering from diverticulitis for a long time and with every visit to the gastroenterologist the same thing is repeated - take some kind of antibiotic plus ferments. In practice, I take an antibiotic for 10 days every month. I've probably tried everything from ferments, but I didn't feel an effect from anything. My abdomen was upset, I was constipated and in constant pain. However, I can’t stop the antibiotic, so I looked for ways to help myself. This is when I came across some information about a probiotic that is produced using innovative technology on Facebook. I talked on the phone with a consultant from the company and he recommended how to take it. I then made a request to my pharmacist and started it right away. I felt an improvement in the first days - my abdomen calmed down gradually and my bowel movements became regular. I have been taking it according to my scheme for 2 years now. Thanks to it I now feel like I did before diverticulitis - healthy! I told my doctor and my girlfriends about it. Everyone is satisfied.
Diarrhea "drains" strength from the body
Everyone knows that diarrhea leads to dehydration, but few realize that it literally "drains" our strength. The special probiotic provides quick relief from the problem. It brings enough "good" bacteria into the body - as much as 200 billion CFU/g - that quickly extinguish the "fire" and help the intestines to return to their normal rhythm of work. Only 1 capsule per day is enough, and the effect is already noticeable at the beginning of the intake.
We take it before we go on a vacation

Slaveya Bachvarova, 56 years old, Bourgas, Bulgaria
Slaveya Bachvarova, 56 years old, Bourgas, Bulgaria
We take it before we go on a vacation
On our first vacation in Turkey, the whole family came back home with vomiting and diarrhea. We were prescribed an antibiotic. I consulted a pharmacist and he recommended that we take the well-known probiotic in a double capsule along with it. My family and I were impressed by its performance. Ever since then, that’s the first thing I put in my luggage! To avoid stomach problems, my family and I start taking it 2 days before the vacation starts. We highly recommend it to everyone who is going to travel, and for those vacationing at the sea it is absolutely mandatory.
Colitis - the advanced stage of erosion 
Colitis is a disease known to medicine for a long time, but this does not mean that it has found a cure for it. It is characterized by erosion of the intestinal mucosa, which in some places has become so thin that it becomes difficult to perform its functions. That is why abdominal pain and tension become our constant companions, food often remains undigested, and we lose weight. Once diagnosed, it remains forever, but although incurable, the disease can easily be kept under control. For this purpose, probiotics are the most effective, because the "good" bacteria have a direct relationship to the formation of the mucosa in the intestines. The new development further enhances these positive effects because it introduces live microorganisms into the body that are fully ready to go into action. An additional plus is the presence of a prebiotic. It not only feeds the "good" bacteria but helps them to multiply and thus their number increases many times over. Finally, the forces between good and evil are balanced, and the abdomen is calm.
I can finally allow myself some forbidden foods

Dominik Auer, 70 years old, Innsbruck, Austria
Dominik Auer, 70 years old, Innsbruck, Austria
I can finally allow myself some forbidden foods
I have suffered from colitis for years. I am constantly following the news regarding my problem. That's how I came across the specially developed liquid probiotic in a double capsule. I am a pharmacist by education and have researched the strain and production technology carefully. I decided to give it a try. Amazon has a bundle offer that I took advantage of. I had certain expectations, I admit, but the reality exceeded them. I took it for 2 months without a break, then I stopped for a break. I am now in the second two-month course of admission. I feel great and I am now allowing myself some foods that I was afraid to even take a glance at before. I also recommended the probiotic to my son who was recently diagnosed with the same condition. And he also has an improvement.
Horror! Irritable bowel syndrome 
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has seen a boom in recent years, and doctors say the diagnosis is modern. No, it's not fancy, it's the scourge of modern times. The symptoms are unbearable - abdominal pains and cramps, bloating, rumbling of the intestines and alternating diarrhea with constipation (regardless of food) - and can send us urgently to the doctor. Quick help in this situation is provided by the smart probiotic, which gastroenterologists say has established itself as a proven means with a long-lasting effect. The reason it works so well is rooted in the probiotic strain it contains, which is one of the few that affects this condition. It is successfully combined with the most commonly prescribed medicinal drugs, such as antispasmodics, etc. Those who have already tried it are adamant that when they take it, they understand what it feels to be healthy. The duration of the reception is also key here, which must last at least 8 weeks, because the condition is chronic and requires persistence.
The abdominal pains are gone

Elisabeta Marian, 55 years old, Hunedoara, Romania
Elisabeta Marian, 55 years old, Hunedoara, Romania
The abdominal pains are gone
I suffer from irritable bowels and was most concerned about the diarrhea and gas problem. I'm a massage therapist with a medical background, so when I saw the ad for the special probiotic on Facebook, it immediately caught my attention. I was impressed by the double capsule and the fact that it is a synbiotic, more precisely containing a probiotic and a prebiotic. I know how important both are for gut health, and up until then I had been taking them separately, but my issues were not resolved.
However, once I started it, the abdomen pain disappeared and I got rid of the diarrhea and gas pretty quickly. Since one of my children suffered from chronic constipation, I decided to buy one for him also. It turned out to be effective for his problem as well, it helps him a lot, and he has quite a few health issues. I recommend it to anyone who has problems with the intestines, because there truly is a real benefit. I am convinced!
What makes the smart probiotic surpass all others?
According to experts, Belly Balance is able to provide such quick results because it meets all the requirements for an effective probiotic:
- Contains as many as 200 billion CFU/g of "good" bacteria;
- It provides them with the most nutritious "food";
- Protects them from the acidic environment in the stomach;
- It delivers them straight to the intestines where they begin to help.
More probiotic bacteria
The embedded Lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic strain meets the criteria for an effective probiotic established by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is resistant to acids and pepsin, successfully attaches to the intestine, forms colonies and is resistant to commonly used antibiotics. All this is evidence of high quality, but the leading feature in this case is the quantity - as many as 200 billion CFU/g. That is why the recommended dose is only 1 capsule per day.
Stronger probiotic bacteria
To further enhance its restorative abilities, a liquid prebiotic has been added to the formula. It is extracted from sugar cane and has unique characteristics. Most impressive is its ability to "recognize" and "feed" only the "good" bacteria in the gut, helping them grow even more and even stronger. This way Belly Balance works in synergy and the results correspond to the formula 1 + 1 = 3.
More efficient probiotic bacteria
The "good" bacteria are sealed in a double capsule (a patented DUOCAP™ technology) which is protecting them from contact with stomach acids, keeping them alive and able to work. The most significant advantage of the technology is the dual release. Thanks to it, the beneficial microorganisms go straight to the intestines, where they immediately begin to help.
The double capsule of Belly Balance guarantees a better effect
Quicker results!
The specialized combination of probiotic and prebiotic, as well as the patented production technology determine the extraordinary effectiveness of Belly Balance. However, the most important thing is that all this happens with the intake of only 1 capsule per day, and the results come quickly after the start of intake.
Rated by the Pharmaceutical Guild too
In 2016, at the PharmExpo international exhibition in Naples, Belly Balance won the "Most Innovative Product" award. The event was covered by the leading daily "La Repubblica".**
Such a high efficiency has not been achieved before
Prof. Mariano Marotta, specialist in "Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology", Rome, Italy. Lecturer at the universities of Pavia, Ferrara, Palermo, Salerno and Chieti. He is the president of the National Association of Pharmaceutical Chemists and Technologists A.N.C.T.F.
Prof. Mariano Marotta, specialist in "Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology", Rome, Italy. Lecturer at the universities of Pavia, Ferrara, Palermo, Salerno and Chieti. He is the president of the National Association of Pharmaceutical Chemists and Technologists A.N.C.T.F.
Such a high efficiency has not been achieved before
"– Why is Belly Balance outperforming other probiotics?
For several reasons, but the most important is the double capsule. In fact, using two capsules, one inside the other, is a novelty from a pharmaceutical point of view. In fact, the two capsules dissolve in two separate stages, thanks to which the beneficial bacteria arrive unharmed directly in the intestines, where they immediately begin to work."
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– Why is Belly Balance outperforming other probiotics?
For several reasons, but the most important is the double capsule. In fact, using two capsules, one inside the other, is a novelty from a pharmaceutical point of view. In fact, the two capsules dissolve in two separate stages, thanks to which the beneficial bacteria arrive unharmed directly in the intestines, where they immediately begin to work.
– Is this the reason why the effect comes so quickly?
Yes, but not only! Belly Balance also has two more advantages that determine its high efficiency. The first is the large amount of probiotic bacteria contained in each capsule. The second is the preserved vitality of these beneficial microorganisms.
– What does all that mean?
It means Belly Balance delivers the right ingredients to the right place. It does it on time and without any losses along the way. None of the old pharmaceutical forms can achieve all this.
Comparison between Belly Balance and probiotics in other forms

Belly Balance
double capsule
• Ensures a stable amount of "good" bacteria in each dose until the end of the product's shelf life
• Contains an optimal dose of liquid prebiotic that keeps the bacteria alive and active in the capsule
• Contact of the bacteria with the acidic environment in the stomach is not allowed
• The double capsule delivers the probiotic bacteria directly into the gut
• Lactose free
• Gluten free
• Sugar free
• GMO free

standard capsule
• The amount of bacteria significantly decreases over time, with losses reaching up to 80%
• The bacteria are lyophilized (dried and frozen) and a significant proportion of them do not "wake up” once in the body
• The capsule releases the bacteria into the stomach, where some of them die under the influence of the acidic environment
• Often requires the addition of extra substances

• The amount of bacteria significantly decreases over time, with losses reaching up to 80%
• The bacteria are lyophilized (dried and frozen) and a significant proportion of them do not "wake up”
• Part of the bacteria die under the influence of the acidic environment in the stomach
• E's must be added, that can increase the aggressiveness of disease-causing bacteria and activate them.
*Intestinal mucosa makes contact with food and everything that has entered our mouth, therefore it represents an outer, upper layer, although according to the tubular shape of the intestine, it practically covers the inner walls.
**The PharmExpo exhibition takes place in Italy. An article with more information about the exhibition and the innovation award won by the Belly Balance product can be found on the website of the daily online and print La Repubblica HERE.